Sue with fresh vegetables

Blossom Foods 2025!

We ended 2024 reflecting on what our strengths are and what we'd like to accomplish in 2025, what we can do better. First up, continuing to get rid of what doesn't need to be in our meals, think allergens. As we do not use fillers, added colors, or flavor enhancers, our flavor profile and offering to a vast majority are very important to us. All of our vegetables and fruits are gluten free and vegan. What you may assume are allergen free, Pot Roast, Chicken with Vegetables, Vegetable Lasagna, etc. also are. Yes, menu items such as French Toast and Meatloaf are not in those categories, just a bunch more are. Our commitment to quality and taste has garnered positive feedback from both healthcare professionals and consumers. We believe providing meals that not only meet dietary needs but also offer a satisfying culinary experience are greatly needed and appreciated by both the consumer and their loved ones. Coming in 2025: Yes, we have said it many times and believe me when I say, starting direct to consumer is a big goal of 2025. Deciding on packaging, getting shipping costs at a reasonable price, and coordinating our menu and textures to the home consumer are a priority. We hope to launch this mid 2025. We're looking forward to hearing from you. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Sue

Choice & Dignity in Dining

Blossom Foods offers soft-textured foods for people with swallowing disorders. Whether you are a Health Care provider on the lookout for IDDSI and NDD compliant solutions or individual consumers hoping to find soft-textured meals that actually taste good, think: Blossom Foods!

  • The Diet Levels You Need

    We provide the three food levels of the IDDSI and National Dysphagia diets.

  • Variety

    Over 100 quality soft-textured choices.

Commercial kitchen
  • Flexible Packaging Options

    Sustainable, recyclable and cost effective!

  • Cultural & Seasonal Specialties

    From Chicken Enchiladas to Beef with BBQ Sauce and more.

Blossom Foods + IDDSI

Blossom Foods is currently working with healthcare facilities around the country to assist in their implementations of the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI).

These and other facilities are using Blossom Foods' extensive menu of Puree (Level 4), Ground (Level 5) and Soft Chopped (Level 6) products to seamlessly integrate with IDDSI and ensure that their patients receive appropriate, nourishing and DELICIOUS meals..

Blossom Foods provides menu items in 3 to 4.5 ounce servings or as complete plated meals. Blossom Foods is distributed throughout the nation by US Foods and Sysco.

IDDSI food chart