Blossom Foods was created in 2006 to respond to the surprising lack of good tasting, easy to prepare soft textured meals (Pureed, Ground or Chopped... now Level 4, 5, and 6 IDDSI respectively) for those with dysphagia (swallowing disorders).
Founder Sue Adams, a speech pathologist for 20 years, also questioned the stigma surrounding soft textured meals, as well as the lack of color, taste, consistency and choices. There had to be a textured diet that was as colorful and nutritious as the foods it was made from; great food regardless of texture was our goal from the beginning. Partnering with a Swiss Chef and creating incredibly familiar recipes was just the beginning. We started with 11 pureed, ground, and soft chopped (National Dysphagia Diet) menu items that quickly grew to over 30 in each texture.
Understanding both the healthcare inpatient commitment to great meals and the caregivers/families role makes it even more important that our meals are exceptional.
It is one of most focused goals: make some aspect of the facility provider and the caregiver’s day a bit easier. From the freezer to heating, preparing a meal should be effortless yet thoughtful. Soft textured meals do not have to mean baby food or mush. Let’s get away from that entire conversation!
Personal experience at Blossom Foods with pureed and soft textured diets are also part of our story. With a mother who suffered a stroke, a father-in-law with Alzheimer’s, and a stepfather with Parkinson’s Disease, members of the staff at Blossom Foods have been able to make an important component of the caregiving in our families a bit easier.
Our team is dedicated, often using the word “love” in creating meals, seriously.
We are grateful and humbled to be welcomed at the family dining table and in the most respected healthcare facilities.
Blossom Foods continues the same principles in meal preparation and care as it did in the beginning. Our promise to you. Enjoy.